Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd Dlc Songs Download

Posted By admin On 03.09.19
Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd Dlc Songs Download Rating: 8,1/10 6493 votes
  1. Project Diva 2nd Dlc Download
  2. Project Diva Extend
  3. Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend Custom Dlc

The 12th and final batch of DLC is available for download starting May 12th (Tuesday)! As this is the final DLC release for Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd, we'd like to extend our thanks and appreciation for. RHYTHM GAME SONGS.

With the brand new release of the localized versions, long time fans should keep a few eyes out for the DLC coming to their regions soon.

  1. All save data from the Japanese title WILL transfer to the localized version.
  2. All DLC is for the localized version ONLY. Any DLC bought or downloaded free from the PSN in localization Will Not transfer to the Japanese game.This includes the edit play data.
  3. If you woud like all the songs or al the modules, it is HIGHLY suggested that you follow the 'Song Club' or 'Costume Club' DLC passes. Though very expensive, it will save you a tremendous amount of money.
  4. ALL DLC IS CROSS BUY. However, edit play data is Vita exclusive.
  5. All skins will be free for the first 39 days of their release.

Project Diva 2nd Dlc Download

Posted by2 years ago
Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd Dlc Songs Download

Here's my dumps of my digital US Diva F 2nd, complete with all desirable DLC to date.


DLC Pack:
  • MOST DLC) https://mega.nz/#!t8VliJhK!A910Rm8eLJPZv8ruVt6zWKzZtFYmADhkOdvLkNczk3g

  • V1.0) https://mega.nz/#!t4sQWDrb!bUs1oWsoUAkgWaXMVsPq3VtzuY2AduuSRQYLcmUBSyU

MaiDumper z10 eboot pack (for DLC):
  • V1.0) https://mega.nz/#!V0N3kYxR!BP4_RvzS881HCHqtuz6RhpXvxNFUwIOsP4bCCUjSqCA

The MaiDumper eboot pack is necessary for DLC!

Project Diva Extend

To use it, delete the original eboot.bin and sce_modules folder from your installed game in the ux0:/app/PCSE00434 directory. Copy all the contents of this pack to that directory and run Mai z10. Set the boot-mode to mode 5.

Copy the DLCs' folders to ux0:/app/PCSE00434/DLC

Ex: ux0:/app/PCSE00434/DLC/PJDF2DLC03LEN191


Mai z10 eboots must be used, and they much be set to mode 5!

This game has been repacked for compatibility. Base-game downloads missing the 'FIX' tag are old.

Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend Custom Dlc

FIX (Not necessary if using Mai z10 eboot)

To re-enable AR mode, follow the tutorial laid out here: https://www.reddit.com/r/VitaPiracy/comments/53jtw2/hatsune_miku_ar_mod_fix/

Thanks again to FruitsEve for finding the method!